Kamala Harris made history at the 2024 Democratic National Convention in Chicago by becoming the first woman of Indian and Jamaican descent to be nominated for president by a major political party. The convention, which lasted four days, was full of excitement and hope as the Democratic Party came together to support Harris. Here are 10 important things to know about the convention.

1. New Energy for Kamala Harris

The Democratic Party felt a fresh wave of energy after Harris was nominated to replace Joe Biden, who decided not to run for re-election. Harris could make history as the first woman and first Indian American president of the United States. Many voters, especially younger people and minorities, felt inspired by her candidacy.

2. Everyone United Against Donald Trump

One of the main messages of the convention was stopping Donald Trump from being re-elected. Speakers from both the Democratic and Republican parties came together to say that Trump would be dangerous for the country if he became president again. This united the party around a common goal: defeating Trump.

3. Harris’s Personal Story

Kamala Harris shared her story during the convention. She talked about growing up as the daughter of immigrants, going through tough times, and working hard to become a public servant. She also spoke about her mom raising her and her sister with the help of close friends. Many people felt they could relate to her story, especially those from middle-class families.

4. Key Issues for the Democratic Party

During the convention, Harris and other speakers talked about important topics such as healthcare, abortion rights, and making the economy better for everyone. Harris also mentioned raising the corporate tax rate and rebuilding the middle class. The convention focused on what Harris and the Democratic Party plan to do if they win the election.

5. Balancing Biden’s Legacy and Harris’s Vision

Harris praised President Joe Biden for his accomplishments, but she also made it clear that she has her own ideas for the future. While supporting Biden’s work, she explained how she wants to take the country forward, especially by focusing on helping everyday Americans and making sure everyone has justice and safety.

6. Kamala Harris Represents Change

Even though Kamala Harris is currently the vice president, the convention portrayed her as a new kind of leader. Many speakers said that she represents a fresh start for the country, a chance to move away from the past and create a better future.

7. Famous People Show Their Support

Many famous people showed up at the convention to support Harris. Former President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama gave speeches, as well as Oprah Winfrey and musicians like John Legend. These celebrity appearances added even more excitement to the event and helped inspire voters.

8. Flexible on Policy

The Democratic Party is giving Harris flexibility on some issues, which means she can adjust her positions to appeal to more voters. For example, she has changed her views on certain topics like fracking and healthcare in order to better connect with people from different parts of the country. This shows that she’s focused on what will work best for everyone.

9. Feeling Optimistic

The convention ended with a lot of hope and optimism for Harris’s chances of winning the election. Her poll numbers have been going up, which means more people are supporting her. However, the party also knows they can’t relax yet—there’s still a long way to go before the election, and they need to stay focused.

10. Positive Energy and Unity

The convention brought the Democratic Party together with a feeling of excitement and unity. Many people left the convention feeling hopeful about Harris’s chances of winning and believed that the party is ready to fight hard to make sure Trump doesn’t return to the White House.

The 2024 Democratic National Convention was a major moment for Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party. With new energy and a strong focus on key issues, Harris is now ready to take on Donald Trump in the race for the presidency. The next few months will be critical as the party works to maintain the momentum built during the convention.

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Background Information

Political Parties in the U.S.

In the United States, there are two major political parties: the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. Each party has different ideas about how the government should work and how problems in the country should be solved.

  • Democratic Party: This party generally believes in a stronger role for the federal government in providing services, such as healthcare and education, and in protecting civil rights. Democrats also often support policies to address climate change, improve healthcare access, and ensure social justice.
  • Republican Party: This party typically believes in a smaller federal government, meaning fewer government regulations and more control by states and individuals. Republicans tend to emphasize reducing taxes, promoting free-market economic policies, and strengthening national defense.

Presidential Elections

Every four years, Americans vote to elect a new president. The election happens in November, and the winner is decided by the Electoral College, a group of representatives from each state who cast votes based on the results of their state’s popular vote. To win, a candidate needs at least 270 of the 538 electoral votes.

Primary Elections and Nominations

Before the general election in November, political parties hold primary elections or caucuses to choose their candidate for president. These elections happen in each state, and they help determine which candidate has the most support from party members. Once a candidate wins enough delegates, they are officially nominated at the party’s national convention, which is a large event where party members gather to celebrate their candidate.

In 2024, Kamala Harris was nominated as the Democratic Party’s candidate after President Joe Biden decided not to run for a second term.

Vice President

The vice president is the second-highest official in the U.S. government, after the president. The vice president takes over if something happens to the president. Vice presidents also serve as the president of the Senate, meaning they can cast a vote if there’s a tie. In 2020, Kamala Harris made history by becoming the first female vice president of the United States, and now she is running for president in 2024.

Electoral College

The Electoral College is a unique way that the United States chooses its president. Each state has a certain number of electors, which is based on the state’s population. The candidate who wins the popular vote in a state usually gets all of that state’s electoral votes. The candidate who reaches 270 electoral votes wins the presidency.


During election season, candidates often participate in debates. These are events where the candidates answer questions and explain their policies. Debates give voters a chance to see how the candidates think on their feet and how they would handle important issues facing the country.

Donald Trump

Donald Trump was the president of the United States from 2017 to 2021. He is a member of the Republican Party and is running for president again in 2024. Trump is a controversial figure in American politics, known for his strong opinions on immigration, trade, and foreign policy. Many Democrats, including Kamala Harris, see him as a threat to American democracy, and stopping him from returning to the White House is a major goal for the Democratic Party.

Voting Rights

In the United States, citizens have the right to vote once they turn 18 years old. However, not all Americans have always had the right to vote. Throughout history, different groups, such as African Americans and women, had to fight for the right to vote. Protecting voting rights means ensuring that every citizen can freely and fairly vote without discrimination or interference.

Abortion Rights

Abortion rights refer to the legal right to have an abortion, which is when a pregnancy is ended so that it does not result in the birth of a baby. In 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a case called Roe v. Wade that women have the right to choose whether or not to have an abortion. However, in recent years, some states have passed laws that make it harder to get an abortion, and the Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade, leading to a major political debate about abortion rights.

Corporate Tax Rate

When people and businesses in the U.S. make money, they have to pay taxes. The corporate tax rate is the amount of tax that businesses have to pay on the money they make. Some politicians want to raise this rate to make sure big companies pay more in taxes, while others think it should be lower to help businesses grow and create jobs.

Historical Firsts in American Politics

Kamala Harris represents many historic “firsts.” In 2020, she became the first woman, the first Black woman, and the first woman of Indian descent to be elected vice president. If she wins in 2024, she will be the first woman to serve as president. These milestones are significant for many Americans, especially those who see Harris as a symbol of progress and representation for minority groups.

Debate/Essay Questions

  1. How significant is it that Kamala Harris could become the first female president of the United States? What impact might that have on future elections and political leadership?

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By Editor

I have worked in English education for more than two decades. The idea for this website sprang from a real need as an English teacher. I enjoy curating the content for this website very much.

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