Carlo Acutis, a tech-savvy teenager known as “God’s influencer,” is set to become the first millennial saint. The College of Cardinals and Pope Francis have approved his canonization. This announcement was made on July 1st after a meeting in the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace.

Life and Contributions

Carlo Acutis was born in London on May 3, 1991, to Italian parents. He later moved to Milan. Although his parents were not devout Catholics, Carlo developed a deep interest in Catholicism from a young age. He was particularly fascinated by the Eucharist and often asked his parents to take him to see the sites of saints and miracles.

Acutis was not only devout but also a computer whiz. He taught himself programming and web design and used these skills to create websites for his church and school. One of his major projects was documenting Eucharistic miracles. He created a website that cataloged over 150 miracles, available in more than a dozen languages, which became a valuable resource for religious instruction.

Carlo also loved video games, especially Halo, Super Mario, and Pokémon. Despite his interest in gaming, he limited himself to playing only one hour a week. He also enjoyed playing the saxophone, soccer, and spending time with his dog.

Path to Sainthood

To be recognized as a saint, a person must be credited with two miracles. Carlo’s first miracle was the healing of a young Brazilian boy from a rare pancreatic disease. The boy prayed to Carlo and touched one of his relics, a piece of his clothing, leading to his recovery.

The second miracle involved a woman named Liliana from Costa Rica. Her daughter, Valeria, suffered severe head injuries from a bicycle accident. After Liliana prayed at Carlo’s tomb in Assisi, Valeria began to recover rapidly. Doctors were astonished as her hemorrhage disappeared, and she regained her ability to speak and move.

Beatification and Canonization

Carlo was beatified in October 2020, a recognition by the Catholic Church that he entered Heaven and can intercede for those who pray in his name. His beatification ceremony took place at the St. Francis Basilica in Assisi, where his body is displayed in a glass case wearing blue jeans, a hoodie, and Nike sneakers, reflecting his favorite attire.

Carlo’s canonization, expected to be announced during the 2025 Jubilee Year, will mark the final step in his recognition as a saint. This special year for the Catholic Church begins on December 24, 2024, and concludes on January 6, 2026.


Carlo’s website on Eucharistic miracles has been used worldwide for religious teaching. He is celebrated with statues in Scotland and Ireland, and even Pope Francis blessed a statue of Carlo destined for an orphanage in Cairo.

Carlo Acutis’ story is a modern example of how faith and technology can come together to inspire and help others. As Pope Francis and the cardinals move forward with his canonization, Carlo is set to become a symbol of hope and faith for the new generation.

This article is based on the following articles:

Background Information

1. Catholicism and the Catholic Church

  • Catholicism: Catholicism is a branch of Christianity, which is a religion based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. Catholics follow the teachings of the Bible and the traditions of the Church.
  • Catholic Church: The Catholic Church is led by the Pope, who is considered the spiritual leader of Catholics worldwide. The Church has many traditions, rituals, and teachings that guide the lives of its followers.

2. Saints and Sainthood

  • Saints: Saints are individuals who are recognized by the Catholic Church as having lived exceptionally holy and virtuous lives. They are believed to be in Heaven and capable of interceding, or praying, on behalf of people on Earth.
  • Process of Becoming a Saint (Canonization):
    • Servant of God: The first step is recognizing someone as a “Servant of God.” This means the Church acknowledges that the person lived a life of virtue.
    • Venerable: The next step is declaring the person “Venerable,” which indicates they lived a life of heroic virtue.
    • Beatification: To be beatified and called “Blessed,” the person must have one miracle attributed to their intercession. This usually involves healing that cannot be explained by science.
    • Canonization: Finally, to be canonized and officially declared a saint, a second miracle must be attributed to the person.

3. Miracles

  • Miracles: In the context of sainthood, miracles are extraordinary events that are believed to be caused by divine intervention. For a miracle to be recognized by the Catholic Church, it must be thoroughly investigated and confirmed to have no natural explanation.

4. Eucharist and Eucharistic Miracles

  • Eucharist: The Eucharist, also known as Holy Communion, is a Christian sacrament in which bread and wine are consecrated and consumed, representing the body and blood of Jesus Christ.
  • Eucharistic Miracles: These are extraordinary events related to the Eucharist, where the bread and wine are believed to have visibly transformed into flesh and blood, or other miraculous phenomena occurred.

5. Carlo Acutis

  • Who was Carlo Acutis?: Carlo Acutis was a teenager born in London in 1991 and moved to Italy with his family. He was a devout Catholic and showed a strong interest in his faith from a young age.
  • Tech Skills: Carlo taught himself how to use computers, the internet, and programming. He used these skills to create websites that documented Eucharistic miracles.
  • Life and Death: Carlo lived a life dedicated to helping others and promoting his faith. He died of leukemia in 2006 at the age of 15. Despite his young age, his work left a significant impact, and he is remembered for his devotion and technical talent.

6. Pope and Vatican

  • Pope: The Pope is the leader of the worldwide Catholic Church. Pope Francis is the current Pope. He is responsible for guiding the spiritual direction of the Church and making important decisions, such as approving saints.
  • Vatican: The Vatican is the headquarters of the Catholic Church, located in Vatican City, a small independent city-state within Rome, Italy. It is the residence of the Pope and the central point of authority for the Church.

7. Jubilee Year

  • Jubilee Year: This is a special year of remission of sins and universal pardon within the Catholic Church. It occurs every 25 years and involves special celebrations, pilgrimages, and acts of faith.

8. Canonization Ceremony

Canonization Ceremony: This is the formal event where the Pope declares a person to be a saint. It usually involves a Mass and a public declaration, often attended by many people.

Debate/Essay Questions

  1. Does the canonization of modern individuals like Carlo Acutis positively impact the Catholic Church and its followers?

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I have worked in English education for more than two decades. The idea for this website sprang from a real need as an English teacher. I enjoy curating the content for this website very much.

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