Former President Donald Trump has launched a new project that combines faith and patriotism in an unexpected way: he’s selling a $60 “God Bless The USA” Bible. This special edition Bible, which he announced on his social media platform, Truth Social, is not just any Bible. It’s a leather-bound, large-print King James Bible, which also includes copies of important American documents like the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Trump’s announcement came right before the Easter celebrations, making his message clear: “Happy Holy Week! Let’s Make America Pray Again.” He suggests that this Bible, which draws inspiration from the patriotic anthem “God Bless the USA” by Lee Greenwood, a song often heard at Trump’s rallies, is a way to bring religion and particularly Christianity back to the forefront in America.

Priced at $59.99 and available only online, this Bible is more expensive than most. Trump argues that it’s not just about reading the Bible; it’s also about understanding American freedoms and rights, something he believes many Americans are unaware of. “Religion and Christianity are the biggest things missing from this country,” Trump states, pushing the idea that their return is crucial and urgent.

However, not everyone is on board with Trump’s new venture. Critics from both political parties have called out the move as self-serving. Some say it’s wrong to sell the Bible for profit, especially during a sacred time like Holy Week, while others point out that Trump’s actions and words often don’t align with Christian teachings.

Christianity and Trump’s appeals to Christian nationalism have become more visible in his campaign efforts. Despite his past actions and comments that might not align with traditional Christian values, he has a strong following among white evangelicals. Trump has promised to protect Christian values from what he sees as threats from the “radical left” and emphasizes the importance of keeping Christianity in public life.

Editor’s Imagination

Interestingly, Trump, who now identifies as nondenominational, doesn’t have a history of regular church attendance or overt religiosity. Yet, he claims to have many Bibles and holds the book in high regard, calling it his favorite book.

Donald Trump’s connection with the Bible has sparked conversations and even controversies through the years. For instance, in 2020, during protests following George Floyd’s tragic death, Trump was criticized for posing with a Bible in front of a church in Washington, D.C. This act was preceded by law enforcement clearing peaceful protesters from the area with tear gas, which was a move heavily scrutinized by the public, although a later report suggested the clearing was not for the photo. Furthermore, an old interview from 2015 resurfaced where Trump couldn’t cite a favorite Bible verse, raising eyebrows about his familiarity with the text he now promotes.

Despite launching a “God Bless The USA” Bible, this venture is unlikely to be a financial cure-all for Trump. The Bible’s website clarifies that no profits from its sales will support Trump’s political endeavors, stating the project is not politically motivated. However, the site also mentions a paid license agreement with CIC Ventures LLC for the use of Trump’s name and image, a company where Trump holds multiple executive roles.

Trump’s pitch for the Bible emphasizes a desire to reintegrate religion into American life, suggesting ownership of the Bible is essential for spiritual wellbeing. Yet, observers speculate whether Trump’s Bible sales are an attempt to navigate through his financial challenges, including his reelection campaign funding and legal fees. Despite raising considerable funds, Trump’s campaign lags behind Biden’s in this election cycle, leading to speculation about Trump personally financing his campaign efforts, a move he hasn’t made since 2016.

Legal battles are also a significant financial burden for Trump, with multiple criminal and civil cases underway. Recent developments include a hefty bond in a defamation case and another in a civil fraud case. Amidst these pressures, Trump has explored other revenue streams, such as launching a line of golden sneakers and benefiting from the trade of his social media company’s shares, indicating a broader strategy to secure funds beyond Bible sales.

This article is based on the following article:,Then%2DPresident%20Donald%20Trump%20holds%20up%20a%20Bible%20outside%20St,a%20controversial%202020%20photo%2Dop.

Background Information

Understanding these elements will help readers grasp the nuances of the article, including the intertwining of religion, politics, and personal business within the context of Trump’s activities and the broader American societal and political landscape.

Donald Trump

  • Former U.S. President: Donald Trump served as the 45th President of the United States from 2017 to 2021. His presidency was marked by a polarized political climate, with significant debates over his policies and statements.
  • Business Background: Before his presidency, Trump was known as a businessman and television personality. He has been involved in numerous business ventures, including real estate, entertainment, and branded products.

Church and State

  • Separation Principle: In the U.S., the separation of church and state is a fundamental concept intended to prevent the government from establishing a national religion or unduly interfering with religious freedoms. Trump’s efforts to bring together church and state by endorsing a Bible intertwine politics with religion, raising discussions about this principle.

“God Bless The USA” Bible

  • Unique Edition: This Bible not only contains religious texts but also includes copies of significant American founding documents, linking patriotism with faith.
  • King James Bible: A translation of the Christian Bible for the Church of England completed in 1611. It is known for its majestic language and has been the standard Bible for English-speaking Protestants.

Truth Social

  • Social Media Platform: Launched by Trump following his bans from mainstream social media platforms. It serves as a channel for Trump to communicate with his supporters directly.

Legal and Financial Challenges

  • Civil Fraud Case: Refers to legal challenges Trump faces, including allegations of fraudulent business practices. The specifics of these cases can be complex, involving financial transactions and business operations.
  • Bond: In legal terms, a bond is a form of security paid to the court as a guarantee that the defendant will comply with the court’s requirements. Trump’s bond issues relate to the financial guarantees he needed to provide in legal cases.

Christian Nationalism

  • Ideology: Christian nationalism is a belief system that merges Christian and American identities, suggesting that the U.S. should maintain a specific Christian character. Trump has aligned himself with this ideology, particularly in appealing to evangelical Christian voters.

Financial Ventures

  • Campaign Financing: Trump’s fundraising efforts for his reelection campaign and the financial disparities with opponents.
  • Legal Expenses: The costs associated with defending against numerous legal actions, which have added to his financial pressures.
  • New Business Ventures: Trump’s launch of products, like golden sneakers, and his involvement in new business ventures like Truth Social, are seen as efforts to raise funds.

Debate/Essay Questions

  1. Is it ethical for public figures to commercialize religious items, such as Bibles, for personal or political gain?
  2. Is incorporating national founding documents into religious texts appropriate, or does it risk politicizing religious beliefs?
  3. Should religious figures or symbols be used in political campaigns? What are the potential impacts on the electorate and the political landscape?
  4. How can we differentiate between actions taken by political figures for personal interest versus those genuinely aimed at public benefit?

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By Editor

I have worked in English education for more than two decades. The idea for this website sprang from a real need as an English teacher. I enjoy curating the content for this website very much.

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